October 2, 2019

Lesson 3: Form and Meaning


Series: Discourse analysis and Bible Translation


Dave Brunn

When we study language, it’s essential to differentiate between form and meaning. Form is language specific (each language has its own form), whereas meaning is universal and so is the same for every language.

In this video Dave explains the implications of this. Meaning must be reflected when something is being translated. But to do this, the form may have to be changed. Form includes the ways in which things like theme lines are handled. Often aspects of the form will not be reflected in the target language, as it has its own forms. Meaning includes things like the communication situation and the author’s purpose in writing. To become an effective cross-cultural communicator, it’s essential to differentiate between meaning and form.

Of course, there are many other aspects of discourse analysis than what was covered in this introductory series. We hope you come away understanding the importance of looking beyond the smaller units of language to see how they are joined together to form larger units, so that the overarching message will come through.

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Dave Brunn