March 23, 2016

LFTF: Episode 3


Series: Lessons from the field


Paul Mac

What is the neediest area that we can contribute resources to in seeing unreached people groups reached with the Gospel?

In terms of the greatest resource that is needed for reaching the unreached, obviously we need God’s undertaking, but in terms of humanly speaking, the biggest resource is people. People who are willing to commit to the task, commit to what’s needed in the long term to actually see a community, to become a part of a community, first of all. Then to be willing to invest themselves into that situation to actually get to know the community, understand, and really invest their lives in the same church planted in that area. In short, the biggest need is for people. That’s a challenge because of so many other things that people can be involved in. Good thing is that they are told, this is what a responsible person does, but the great commission and the needs of people who are dying without knowing Christ and going to eternity without Him, it really supersedes those things. We need people.

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Paul Mac

Paul and his wife, Linda, spent 11 years in Papua New Guinea involved in pioneering church planting in an isolated people group. They were privileged to see God plant a number of churches in that area that continue to thrive today. During the time there, they headed up a translation team that produced a New Testament in the local language. After leaving PNG, Paul and Linda worked for 12 years in leadership and consultative roles with an international mission agency. Today they continue to provide church planting guidance for a number of different teams engaged in some of the world’s most challenging contexts. They are passionate about seeing churches planted that are well equipped to carry on for future generations.